Keeping the Promise Alive is a refresher training for adults those who have attended the Protecting God’s Children for Adults training. All parishes and missions are required to conduct this training every two years after the initial training. Keeping the Promise Alive is a one-hour session facilitated by Virtus Facilitators at the parishes. The training material contains a DVD and handbooks for participants and facilitators. The DVD for the training will be mailed to Virtus Certified facilitators. The facilitators can download the manuals from the diocese website using the links provided below:
- Keeping the Promise Alive Facilitator Manual Version 3.0.pdf
- Keeping the Promise Alive Participant Workbook.pdf
Facilitators should schedule Keeping the Promise Alive training at the parishes by using the scheduling option at the Virtus website. The participants should register online as we have done to attend the Protecting God’s Children for Adults class. The sign-in sheets should be sent to the diocese for approval of the training.