
Sunday Reflection: Announcement about the birth of Christ.(Luke 1:26-38)


Announcement about the birth of Christ.(Luke 1:26-38)




After discussing with Angel Gabriel, Mary is expressing her willingness to take up any hardship for her vocation to be the Mother of the Son of God. That was a free-will consent and not an easy one to decide. Mary was not sure of the hardship and glory to follow. However, she agreed trusting in the Lord without waiting to consult Joseph or her friends and relatives.  Mary was hundred percent committed to her call. She took up the hardships with patience and did her glorious task in humility starting with her service to Elizabeth.


When we receive the sacrament of baptism, we publically profess our consent for a covenant with God. We, like Mary, consent that we will be fully committed to God and to His people entrusted to us. In the Christian marriage, the couple make a covenant in union with Jesus by professing their marital vow touching the gospel that represents Jesus. The marriage covenant is like God ‘s original plan for Adam and Eve to be committed to one another, to God, and to cooperate with God in generating children and bring them up as the children of God. Following Mary, let us be faithful in our commitment to God as His humble servants.


NOTE: This is not a homily but a resource material to help preachers develop their homily based on their audience, time, and talents.


Announcement of the birth of Jesus.

(Luke 1:26-38)


Bible Text

(26) In the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee called Nazareth, (27) to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary. (28) And coming to her, he said, “Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you.” (29) But she was greatly troubled at what was said and pondered what sort of greeting this might be. (30) Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. (31) Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. (32) He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father, (33) and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.” (34) But Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I have no relations with a man?” (35) And the angel said to her in reply, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore, the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God. (36) And behold, Elizabeth, your relative, has also conceived a son in her old age, and this is the sixth month for her who was called barren; (37) for nothing will be impossible for God.” (38) Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her.




            In the sixth month (Lk. 1: 26)


The month is counted from the first intervention of Angel Gabriel to Zachariah announcing the birth of John the Baptist. That was the opening up of a new chapter for the new covenant that Jesus was going to make with humanity for his father.


Angel Gabriel was sent from God (Lk. 1: 26)


There are three angels specially mentioned by name in the Bible:

(1)   Michael in Hebrew means “Who is like God.” Michael presides over the prayers and offerings of the faithful.

(2)   Raphael means “The Medicine of God.” Raphael presides over the healing of human bodies. He restored sight of Tobias when he was blind. (Tobit 11: 7-15).

(3)   Gabriel means “The Power of God.” Gabriel presides over the conflicts and wars of the faithful as in Daniel 12. He is also a messenger of God. Here God sends Angel Gabriel to Mary to announce the birth of Jesus who will carry war against Lucifer.


Angel Gabriel appears four times in the Bible communicating God’s message to His faithful servants: to Prophet Daniel (Ch. 10), to John the Baptists’ father Zachariah (Lk. 1:5-20), to mother of Jesus, Mary (Lk. 1:26-38) and to John in the book of Revelation (Rev. 1:1-2). Though not specified in the Holy Bible, according to Jewish tradition, Gabriel is one of the seven archangels.


            Nazareth (Lk. 1: 26)


Nazareth was a small village where people knew one another. Joseph, originally from Bethlehem, moved to Nazareth for job because he was a construction worker. Mary’s father Joachim was from Nazareth in Galilee and her mother Anne was from Bethlehem. So Mary was also born and brought up in Nazareth.


Mary’s parents Joachim and Anne where childless and God opened the womb of Anne at her old age to give an extraordinary child like it happened to Sarah, wife of Abraham in the Book of Genesis. Joachim and Anne had promised to God that they will entrust their child at the service of the temple of the Lord. So they brought Mary at the age of three to Jerusalem, to offer her as promised by them before her birth. While Mary grew up in the temple, her aged parents died. A girl could not continue in the temple from her puberty. So between the age of 12 and 14, the priests of the temple betrothed her to Joseph who was divinely selected to marry her. ( So Joseph took Mary from Jerusalem to Nazareth.


Nazareth in Hebrew means branch. Jesus from Nazareth is considered as a fulfillment of the prophesy of Isiah in 11:1. “But a shoot shall sprout from the stumpof Jesse, and from his roots a bud shall blossom.”


Nazareth was such a small and insignificant village that when Philip introduced Jesus of Nazareth to Nathaniel, he asked: “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” (John 1:46).


            To a virgin (Lk. 1: 27)


According to the apocryphal book, The Gospel of the Nativity of Mary,the blessed mother had made a vow of virginity at the temple of Jerusalem during her life from three to 12 years of age. ( That is why she asked Angel Gabriel, how could she, a lifelong virgin, give birth to a child. Catholic Church and some other churches teach the perpetual virginity of Mary. This was also the fulfillment of another prophesy: “Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” (Isiah 7:14). Virgin birth became a sign of the birth of the Messiah.


            Betrothed to a man named Joseph (Lk. 1: 27)


The story of Joseph’s marriage is given in the apocryphal writings. These writings are not officially approved canonical books. So they may be true or myth. However, they help us to connect the gaps in the life story of Jesus. According to the apocrypha, when Joseph was 40 years old, he married Salome (Melcha or Escha). They lived 49 years together and had four sons and two daughters. The youngest was James the Less, also known as “the Lord’s brother.” This story helps us to understand the connection of ever virgin Mary and the brothers and sisters of Jesus in the gospel. (Mark 6:3), (Mathew 13:55-56).


“A year after his wife's death, as the priests announced through Judea that they wished to find in the tribe of Juda a respectable man to espouse Mary, then twelve to fourteen years of age. Joseph, who was at the time ninety years old, went up to Jerusalem among the candidates; a miracle manifested the choice God had made of Joseph, and two years later the Annunciation took place.” ( The role of Joseph, though legally married to Mary, was to protect her life and her virginity. However, God called him also to be the foster father of the redeemer.


            Joseph of the house of David (Lk. 1: 27)


Here Luke the evangelist tries to show that the legal or adopted father of Jesus was from the line of David as a fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant. “When your days are fulfilled and you rest with your fathers, I will set up your seed after you, who will come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build a house for My name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. I will be his Father, and he shall be My son.” (2 Samuel 7: 12-14). Though this promise from God to David was fulfilled partially in his son King Solomon, it was perfectly fulfilled only in Jesus.


The virgin’s name was Mary. (Lk. 1: 27)


Miriam is the Hebrew word for Mary. Miriam in the Old Testament was the sister of Moses.  Just as Moses is a prototype of Jesus, Miriam is a prototype of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Miriam (Mar Yam) in Hebrew means myrrh, or bitterness of the sea. When Miriam was born, the Israelites had the bitter destiny to throw their children to River Nile by the order of Pharaoh. However, when the Israelites crossed the Red Sea her name was changed to Mariam (Mara Yam) meaning “Mistress of the Sea.” Miriam was the leader of the women when the people crossed the Red Sea while Pharaoh and his soldiers were drowned by the power of God. According to St. Ambrose, Mary of the New Testament leads us through the sea of the world to the promised land, heaven.


            Hail full of grace (Lk. 1: 28)


Hail means “Ave” the reversal of the Latin word Eva for Eve. Mary reversed the situation of humanity by her obedience to God. Eve, the mother of all, brought death by her disobedience. Whereas, Mary brought life to the world. So according to Serarius, ave means life.


Just as Adam and Eve were created by God free of sin, so also the New Adam Jesus and the New Eve Mary were born free of sin so that they are not contaminated by the stain of original sin. Only a non-contaminated container can be used to contain a sterile medicine or equipment for treatment. So also, God created Mary free from original sin to contain Jesus the redeemer of all sinners in her body. Hence she was full of grace in body and soul. Both Jesus by his nature as God, and Mary who carried him for more than nine months and allowed her womb to develop his human flesh, were born free from sin. Mary was with full grace of God by God’s choice to become the new ark of God’s divine presence in her womb. That is why the angel says that Mary is full of grace.


            The Lord is with thee (Lk. 1: 28)


Angel Gabriel clarifies why Mary is full of grace. Mary is specially chosen by God in His eternal plan of salvation. And the Lord Jesus is going to be in her body in a unique way. So the angel is right in stating that the Lord is with Mary.


            Mary was greatly troubled at what was said (Lk. 1: 29)


An unexpected visit from a glorious angel was of course a shock to Mary. An instant call to a highly responsible position can be alarming moment for any person. Mary might be thinking that she was seeking the grace of God. Now the angel was affirming that she was full of grace and that the Lord was with her. She was trying it hard to believe herself.



Do not be afraid Mary, you have found favor with God (Lk. 1: 30)


Appearance of an angel causes fear not just for Mary but for other Bible characters like Zachariah. The Angel removes her fear and assures her that the Angelic message is because she has found favor with God. Her virtue is pleasing to God and is suitable for her partnership with God. The phrase “favor with God” was also attributed in the Old Testament for Noah, Moses, and David. Now Mary finds place in that special category.


Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son (Lk. 1:31)


Usually a late born child has been a special child of God. Sarah’s son Isaac (Gen. 11:30; 21:1-2), Rebekah’s son Jacob (Gen. 25:21), Rachel’s son Joseph (Gen. 29:31; 30:22), Samson whose mother’s name in not given (Judg. 13:1-3), Hannah’s son Samuel (1 Sam. 1:5-6, 20) are examples of late born sons who had special roles in the Salvation History. Mary herself was a late born daughter of Joachim and Ann.


In Jesus’ case, it is the opposite. An early birth from a virgin, the first of its kind in the world, is God himself. Mary, a virgin as prophesied by Isiah (Isaiah 7:14) was always a virgin mother, though contrary to the natural law.


You shall name him Jesus. (Lk. 1:31)


Jesus is Joshua in Hebrew, and Joshua means “Yahweh is salvation”. Joshua was the successor of Moses who led the Israelites to Canaan, the promised land. Joshua was only a representative of God in waging and winning the war against the Canaanites who were bigger and stronger than them.  Jesus is the new Joshua who wages war against Satan, becomes victorious, and leads his people to the new promised land, heaven. He is also Emmanuel, as Isaiah had prophesied, God who dwelt among us in human flesh.


Foretelling about Jesus

1.      He will be great (Lk. 1:32)

Being God incarnate, Jesus is greater than all the great people ever born. He was greater than the powerful king David (Mathew 22:41-45), wiser than the wisest man on earth Solomon (Mathew 12:42), and greater preacher than Jonah the prophet who converted the sin city of Nineveh. (Mathew 12:41).


2.     He will be called Son of the Most High (Lk. 1:32)

“Most High” is a title for God that Luke commonly uses. Jesus is the direct son of God born without sexual union but by divine intervention. Since Jesus is born of the Holy Spirit, he is called Son of God. Adam, who was directly created by God without human parents, was also called the son of God.


3.     He will be called holy (Lk. 1:35)

Since Jesus is God incarnate, he is holy. He has no sin by birth or by action.


4.     The Lord God will give him the throne of David his father (Lk. 1:32)

This again is the fulfillment of God’s promise to David in 2 Samuel 7: 12-14


5.     He will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end. (Lk. 1:33)

House of Jacob means all the 12 tribes of Israel. Now these tribes are scattered all over the world and many have mingled with gentiles. The salvation is for all humanity offered through the Israelites. That is why church is open for all who are willing to accept Jesus as their savior.


Even great kings of the united Israel like King David and Solomon ruled only for 40 years. Jesus, the new spiritual king, rules over the world he has redeemed for eternity.


I have no relations with a man? (Lk. 1:34)

Mary was wondering how this giving birth was going to happen. Though she was betrothed to Joseph, she had the vow of virginity breaking of which was against God. (St. Ambrose and St. Augustine). She was concerned with losing her virginity to become the mother of the savior. However, she got both virginity and the position as mother of the Son of God. Her posing the doubt gives way to more revelation on the mode of incarnation.


 The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. (Lk. 1:35)


Like the first parents, Jesus was directly from God and not by sexual union. So the conception happens through a divine intervention which is an exception to the natural law. The angel makes it clear that only the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity is becoming incarnate though all the three persons of the Most Holy Trinity were involved in the incarnation. The Holy Spirit is descending on her. The grace of God the Father is going to overshadow her as the Shakina cloud was overshadowing the Ark of the Covenant. The ark was lost just before the destruction of the first Temple of Jerusalem by Babylonians. Now the ark that contained the Word of God is coming back in a new form in Mary.


Elizabeth, your relative, has also conceived a son in her old age … barren. (Lk. 1:36)


Elizabeth was from the family tree of Aaron belonging to the tribe of Levi and Mary was from the family of David belonging to the tribe of Judah. So they must be relatives from maternal side. Usually the tribes of Israel won’t intermarry. However, there were intermarriages between the tribes of Levi and Judah, the priestly and the royal tribes.


The angel Gabriel gives the miraculous pregnancy of Elizabeth as a proof for Mary to believe in her miraculous virgin motherhood. Mary believed and went to meet and serve Elizabeth. Angel also indirectly referred Mary to help Elizabeth in her old age pregnancy and to fill her and her child John with the Holy Spirit by the presence of the Son of God in her womb.


Nothing will be impossible for God.” (Lk. 1:37)

God is the creator and master of the universe. So God is beyond natural law. The miraculous interventions of God are proof that everything was possible for God.


“Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” (Lk. 1:38)

Mary was glad that she could keep up her virginity and be the mother of the Son of God. God seeks the consent of her daughter like a father asking the consent for her marriage. The time she gives consent is also considered as the time of her miraculous conceiving.



After discussing with Angel Gabriel, Mary is expressing her willingness to take up any hardship for her vocation to be the Mother of the Son of God. That was a free-will consent and not an easy one to decide. Mary was not sure of the hardship and glory to follow. However, she agreed trusting in the Lord without waiting to consult Joseph or her friends and relatives.  Mary was hundred percent committed to her call. She took up the hardships with patience and did her glorious task in humility starting with her service to Elizabeth.


When we receive the sacrament of baptism, we publically profess our consent for a covenant with God. We, like Mary, consent that we will be fully committed to God and to His people entrusted to us. In the Christian marriage, the couple make a covenant in union with Jesus by professing their marital vow touching the gospel that represents Jesus. The marriage covenant is like God ‘s original plan for Adam and Eve to be committed to one another, to God, and to cooperate with God in generating children and bring them up as the children of God. Following Mary, let us be faithful in our commitment to God as His humble servants.



History of St. Thomas SyroMalabar Catholic Diocese of Chicago, established by His Holiness Pope John Paul II on March 13, 2001.


Liturgical Calendar

SyroMalabar Church Liturgical Seasons and Mass Readings in English and Malayalam



Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.


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